If you’re running Facebook ads or planning on running them, make sure you have your pixel sorted.

What is the Facebook pixel?
The Facebook pixel is basically a bit of code that you put into your website.
It tracks things that happen on your site, and then if that user has a Facebook profile (which most of the world does!) lets you then run ads to those users on Facebook.
The data it collects also helps you track conversions from your ads, optimise them, build new targeted audiences, and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website.
It works by placing cookies to track users as they interact with your website and your Facebook ads.
Why you should install the Facebook pixel
The Facebook pixel gathers stacks of useful info that you can use to create better Facebook ads, and especially better targeting in your ad sets and audiences.
Even if you’re not running Facebook ads yet, it's a good idea to install the Facebook pixel as soon as you can. It's going to start pulling data about your website visitors as soon as it's live so when you decide to start running ads, you won't have to start from scratch.
Here are a few ways the pixel can help improve your Facebook marketing results.
Use Facebook conversion tracking
The Facebook pixel allows you to see how people interact with your website once they have seen one of your Facebook ads.
You can even use cross-device tracking, which lets you see if people say, see your ads on mobile but switch to a desktop before buying. This info can help you refine your ad strategy.
Use Facebook retargeting
Facebook pixel data lets you show targeted ads to people who have already visited your site.
You know that time you searched for a flight to Paris, then the next day got a Facebook ad asking if you were still keen on visiting France? That's the pixel retargeting you (or your phone may have been listening when you spoke to your friend about it!).
Create lookalike audiences
Facebook can use its targeting data to help you build what is called a "lookalike audience". This is a brand new audience that Facebook thinks are a lot like the other people clicking on your ads or website. This can help expand your potential customer base.
Optimise Facebook ads for conversions
You can use Facebook tracking pixel data to optimise your Facebook ads for specific conversion events on your website. Without a pixel, the only conversion you can really optimise for is "link clicks". Once your pixel is running, you can go for conversions that are a bit more meaningful like contacts or purchases.
Optimise Facebook ads for value
As Facebook collects data on who buys from your site and how much they spend, it can help optimise your ad audience based on value. That means it will automatically show your ads to the people who are most likely to make high-value purchases.
How to use the Facebook pixel
You can use the Facebook pixel to collect data on two different kinds of events. Standard and Custom.
An “event” is simply a specified action that a visitor takes on your website, like making a purchase, signing up to your newsletter, or contacting you.
Facebook pixel standard events
Purchase: Someone completes a purchase on your website.
Lead: Someone signs up for a trial or otherwise identifies themselves as a lead on your site.
Complete registration: Someone completes a registration form on your site, such as a subscription form.
Add payment info: Someone enters their payment information in the purchase process on your website.
Add to cart: Someone adds a product to their shopping cart on your site.
Add to wishlist: Someone adds a product to a wishlist on your site.
Initiate checkout: Someone starts the checkout process to buy something from your site.
Search: Someone uses the search function to look for something on your site.
View content: Someone lands on a specific page on your website.
Contact: Someone contacts your business.
Customize product: Someone selects a specific version of product, such as choosing a certain color.
Donate: Someone makes a donation to your cause.
Find location: Someone searches for your business’s physical location.
Schedule: Someone books an appointment at your business.
Start trial: Someone signs up for a free trial of your product.
Submit application: Someone applies for your product, service, or program, such as a credit card.
Subscribe: Someone subscribes to a paid product or service.
Facebook pixel custom events
You can use custom events in place of standard events, or to collect more details than Facebook pixel standard events can provide.
Custom events use rules based on your URLS or URL keywords. So you can create an audience of people who visited a page on your website that contains the word "shoes", or didn't contain the word "jeans".
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